Academic English Guidelines Specific to Academic Writing Dr. James A. Bednar May 27, 2016 Formatting and grammar rules When in doubt about grammar or page format, researchers in psychology and computer…
Academic English Rules for Formal Academic Writing Dr. James A. Bednar May 27, 2016 Rules for formal writing are quite strict, though often unstated. Formal writing is used in academic and scientific…
Academic English Word-Level Issues in Academic Writing Dr. James A. Bednar May 27, 2016 Try hard to avoid ambiguous references Conversation is replete with ambiguous words like "this", "these", "his",…
Academic English Myths about Academic Writing Lennie Irvin May 27, 2016 Though I don’t imagine an episode of MythBusters will be based on the misconceptions about writing we are about to…
Writing Tips Write with the Reader in Mind! Dr. R Chandrasekhar May 27, 2016 This article is suitable for science & engineering studentsAll communication involves two parties: the…
Topic Selection How to Select a Research Topic unknown author May 24, 2016 The ability to develop a good research topic is an important skill. An supervisor may assign you a specific topic,…
2. Research Methodology Induction & Pattern Recognition Zaid A. Alsmadi May 21, 2016 Induction is pattern recognition -- an inference based on limited observational or experimental data…
PhD & Masters Ph.D Thesis Research: Where do I Start? Don Davis May 19, 2016 If you are the next Paul Samuelson and will wholly transform the field of economics, pay no heed. If you are the…
Research Problem Is My Research Problem, Too Broad, Too Narrow, or OK? Edited by Thesishub May 18, 2016 If your thesis is going to be solely based on published literature you can quickly establish whether your research…