Academic English Word-Level Issues in Academic Writing Dr. James A. Bednar May 27, 2016 Try hard to avoid ambiguous references Conversation is replete with ambiguous words like "this", "these", "his",…
Thesis Does an Engineering Thesis Need a Hypothesis? Dr. R Chandrasekhar May 27, 2016 What is the hypothesis? The hypothesis is all important. It is the foundation of your thesis. It gives coherence…
Writing Tips Write with the Reader in Mind! Dr. R Chandrasekhar May 27, 2016 This article is suitable for science & engineering studentsAll communication involves two parties: the…
Thesis Writting Attikiouzel’s Aphorisms for Thesis Writing Dr. R Chandrasekhar May 27, 2016 Writing is not a linear process but a cyclic one. What appears first may be written last, with the benefit of…
Thesis Writting Lindsay’s Laws of Thesis Writing Dr. R Chandrasekhar May 27, 2016 > Think > Plan > Write > Revise > This is the cycle of scientific writing. Messy thinking leads…
Thesis Writting Hartmann’s Hints for Thesis Writing Dr. R Chandrasekhar May 27, 2016 Listed below are hints on writing the PhD thesis, gleaned from a seminar at University of Western Australia , with…
Academic English Expressions to be Avoided in Writing a Scientific Paper or Thesis Dr. R Chandrasekhar May 27, 2016 Ten categories of cumbersome expressions that should be AVOIDED in writing a scientific paper or thesis...
Thesis Writting Quick Guide to Thesis Writing Dr. R Chandrasekhar May 27, 2016 Writing a thesis well is simple if you know how. 22 Steps to Submit a Completed Thesis.
Literature Review Criteria of a Good Literature Review Nelleke Bak May 26, 2016 The literature review has been reported as the second most deficient chapter in theses by examiners Areas in the…
Bibliography Styles Plagiarism in Academic Writing Nelleke Bak May 24, 2016 "Students are often unsure of exactly what plagiarism is and how it affects them. Cutting and pasting from…