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LET focuses its research and teaching on the learning sciences and technology-enhanced learning. The members of this research group have particular expertise in the integration of theoretical perspectives on the social, cognitive and motivational processes of learning and utilising it in research-based design.
Language Issues in Writing a Scientific Journal Article
In this article , we shall point out; 1) the different research paradigms approaches, 2) the role of genre…
Submission And Review
Too often authors ignore the importance of adequate internal reviewing and polishing of an article among colleagues…
Article Elements
Articles typically constitutes the following elements: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Theory/Literature review,…
Target journal
research results do not exist before they are successfully published. The key people for getting one's article…
Tips for Writing Scientific Journal Articles
research results do not exist before they are successfully published. The key people for getting one's article…
Writing in a group
Articles are often written in small groups, which makes it possible to include the views of several people. Writing…
Applying Research Grants
As a doctoral student you can apply for research grants to finance your research for a specific purpose, such as…
9 Tips For Writing Articles
A researcher easily has an illusion that his/her research will sell itself more or less automatically. When trying…
Writing a Compilation Dissertation
This article presents tips for effective realisation of a compilation dissertation. A compilation dissertation…