Writing Tips Structuring Thesis Chapters: The Introductory/ Concluding Paragraphs Dr. Ron Adams May 28, 2016 A chapter’s introductory paragraph can serve a number of distinctive functions. It can: 1. Show the relationship…
Results 5 Methods to Distinguish and Identify Your Own Research Contribution from Others Hilary Glasman-Deal May 28, 2016 Methods to Distinguish and Identify Your Contribution The fact that you are so familiar with what you did means…
Writing Tips Mind Map and Write Your Dissertation or Publication Gina Hiatt May 28, 2016 Mind mapping One challenge that I faced while writing my dissertation was that every time I started a new chapter,…
Literature Review How Much Literature is Enough? James Hayton May 28, 2016 How do I know that I have reviewed enough literature and that is where I am supposed to stop? The short answer is…
Literature Review Selectively Review the Literature 2/5 Dr. John Blackwell May 28, 2016 It is vital to review the relevant literature, to ensure that no important observations that either support your…
Academic English Awareness of Linguistic Limitations 4/5 Dr. John Blackwell May 28, 2016 Having compiled your data, found a quiet place to work, delimited your study, identified a suitable target journal…
Results Defining and Delimiting ‘the Study’ 5/5 Dr. John Blackwell May 28, 2016 The word ‘study’ can be confusing because it has several meanings, inter alia aninvestigation of certain phenomena,…
Academic English Commas after “i.e.” and “e.g.” Dr. James A. Bednar May 27, 2016 Many grammar books state that a comma is always required after "i.e." and "e.g." used in a sentence, as in…
Academic English Serial commas Dr. James A. Bednar May 27, 2016 ... In Britain and some other less-enlightened countries, the comma is often omitted before an 'and' in a list.…
Academic English Academic English: “I” and “we”! Dr. James A. Bednar May 27, 2016 Writing standards disagree about whether to use "I" and "we" (and their various forms) in academic work. Some argue…