Academic English Punctuation after quotations Dr. James A. Bednar May 27, 2016 In American English (and in some cases for British English), punctuation following a bit of quoted text is…
Discussion Discussing Existing/Proposed/Future Work Dr. James A. Bednar May 27, 2016 Discussing existing work Whenever you bring up an existing piece of research, whether it is your own or someone…
Academic English Guidelines Specific to Academic Writing Dr. James A. Bednar May 27, 2016 Formatting and grammar rules When in doubt about grammar or page format, researchers in psychology and computer…
Academic English Rules for Formal Academic Writing Dr. James A. Bednar May 27, 2016 Rules for formal writing are quite strict, though often unstated. Formal writing is used in academic and scientific…
Academic English Word-Level Issues in Academic Writing Dr. James A. Bednar May 27, 2016 Try hard to avoid ambiguous references Conversation is replete with ambiguous words like "this", "these", "his",…
Academic English A Checklist of Academic Writing Features Edited by Thesishub May 27, 2016 Academic writing in English is linear, that means it has one central point or theme with every part contributing to…
Academic English Informal vs. Academic Language Edited by Thesishub May 27, 2016Informal Speaking Vocabulary Academic Writing Vocabulary What is the difference?a lot of…
Academic English Six Features of Academic Writing John Wolfe May 27, 2016 One of the problems students run into is that they are often expected by their professors to produce a reasonably…
Academic English Rules and Conventions of Academic Writing Hazel Hall May 27, 2016 The details in this hand-out are based on material first developed by Hazel Hall at Queen Margaret University…
Academic English Myths about Academic Writing Lennie Irvin May 27, 2016 Though I don’t imagine an episode of MythBusters will be based on the misconceptions about writing we are about to…