Thesis Introducing Thesis Templates to “Senior Professors” Zaid A. Alsmadi May 28, 2016 Introduction In this era of the academic industry, many professors are trying to publish as many journals as…
Thesis LDS&F (Long Documents Structuring & Formatting) Zaid A. Alsmadi May 28, 2016 Let’s distinguish between two types of documents:Short documents ( 30 pages ) Long documents (50 page…
Journal Paper Publishing How to Write a Blog Post from Your Journal Article in Eleven Easy Steps. Patrick Dunleavy May 28, 2016 You’ve just published a research article – why should you bother writing a blog post about it? Patrick Dunleavy…
Academic Career Graduate Research Supervisor Anna Janssen May 28, 2016 Supervisor have to be; Supportive, Available & With Knowledge and Expertise. However, Many Supervisors are;…
Thesis Publishing From Dissertation to Book William Germano May 28, 2016 Introduction A young scholar completes a Ph.D. thesis and is congratulated by the supervising committee. A…
Motivation Myth 3: You must be “Disciplined”! Gary Keller May 28, 2016 In society at large, there is an enduring idea that to be successful, you have to lead a "disciplined life."…
Motivation Myth 5: A Balanced Life ! Gary Keller May 28, 2016 “The truth is, balance is bunk. It is an unattainable pipe dream... . The quest for balance between work and life,…
Motivation Myth 6: Big is Bad and is to be Feared ! Gary Keller May 28, 2016 Loads of people don't chase big dreams because they have fallen for the myth "big is bad." The reality is if you…
Motivation Myth 4: Willpower is Always “On-Call” Gary Keller May 28, 2016 Another of society’s prevailing myths is that the willpower to do anything is always on call and can be summoned…
Motivation Myth 2: Multitasking is a Good Thing Gary Keller May 28, 2016 In 2009, Stanford University professor Clifford Nass set out to prove definitively how multitaskers work. He…