Copy right Request for permission to include in a publication Edited by Thesishub Sep 25, 2016 Do not use the material until the copyright owner has replied and agreed to your request.
Journal Paper Publishing How to Write Your First Research Paper Kallestinova Elena Sep 24, 2016 One of the stumbling blocks in writing a research manuscript is the beginning of the process and creating the first…
Conference Papers Writing a Good Conference Paper unknown author Sep 21, 2016 Conference papers present unusual problems, because they are both written and read aloud. And we must be concerned…
Basics WHAT IS RESEARCH? Prof. S. Rajasekar Sep 20, 2016 The starting point of a research is the selection of a research topic and problem. Identifying a suitable topic for…
2. Research Methodology Selection Of a Research Topic and Problem Prof. S. Rajasekar Sep 19, 2016 The starting point of a research is the selection of a research topic and problem. Identifying a suitable topic for…
Writing Tips Eight Steps to Developing an Effective Outline San Francisco Edit Sep 18, 2016 The purpose of an outline is to divide the writing of the entire paper into a number of smaller tasks. A good…
3. Writing & Editing Developing an Effective Title San Francisco Edit Sep 17, 2016 The title should include all essential words in the right order so the topic of the manuscript is accurately and…
Research Proposal How to Prepare a Research Proposal Martin Davies Sep 16, 2016 This article will help you: understand the main elements that comprise a research proposal and to prepare a…
Basics Applied and Basic Research D. Jarrard Richard Sep 6, 2016 The choice between applied and basic research is a watershed career decision. Perhaps it is to be expected that the…
2. Research Methodology Big Science versus Little Science D. Jarrard Richard Aug 29, 2016 As the geometric growth in number of scientists collides with the linear growth in available science funding,…