PhD & Masters Myths and Realities of Higher Education System Prof. Phillips Jul 22, 2016 The ‘ivory tower’ One of the commonest misconceptions about research is that it is an ‘ivory tower’…
PhD & Masters 10 Steps to PhD Failure Times Higher Education Jul 7, 2016 Kevin Haggerty and Aaron Doyle offer tips on making postgraduate study even tougher (which students could also use…
PhD & Masters Preparation to Do Masters or PhD!? Isai Amutan Jun 11, 2016 Those who have an idea to do Masters/ PhD, but do not know how to move on?Finalised which area you are…
PhD & Masters What is Academic Integrity Eastern Institute of Technology May 28, 2016 Academic Integrity means being honest in all academic work. Every University expects that all students and staff…
PhD & Masters How not to Get a PhD: By Overestimating What is Required. Prof. Phillips May 28, 2016 The words used to describe the outcome of a PhD project – ‘an original contribution to knowledge’ – may sound…
PhD & Masters 10 Truths a PhD Supervisor will never Tell You Tara Brabazon May 23, 2016 There are some important dos and don’ts to bear in mind when choosing someone to oversee your doctoral thesis,…
PhD & Masters The Aims of PhD Candidate, Supervisor and Examiner. Prof. Phillips May 23, 2016 In this article, we shall discuss the nature of a PhD program. We shall consider the inevitably different aims that…
PhD & Masters The Nature of the PhD Qualification Prof. Phillips May 23, 2016 In this article we shall discuss the nature of a PhD. We shall consider the objectives of the process, the…
PhD & Masters Ph.D Thesis Research: Where do I Start? Don Davis May 19, 2016 If you are the next Paul Samuelson and will wholly transform the field of economics, pay no heed. If you are the…