APA Style How to Write an APA Style Reference When Information Is Missing Chelsea Lee Jul 15, 2016 While referencing you will come across certain material that has some of the normal referencing elements missing,…
Supervisors Finding the Right Supervisor Lorrie Blair Jul 14, 2016 The process of writing a thesis begins long before one sits down to put words on paper. It begins with the choice…
5. General Are Geniuses Born or Made? Dr. Joy Hirsch Jul 10, 2016 Is there a way to bring out the genius within all of us? In this interview withThe New York Times columnist Carl…
Thesis Writting When to Write Your PhD Thesis Prof. Phillips Jul 9, 2016 The patron saint of PhD writing is the Victorian novelist, Anthony Trollope. He wrote many novels, including some…
Literature Review Review of ‘the Literature’ or Literatures? Dr. Ron Adams Jul 9, 2016 Keep in mind that the aim of it all is to have a thesis: a position or argument you wish to establish—a major claim…
PhD & Masters 10 Steps to PhD Failure Times Higher Education Jul 7, 2016 Kevin Haggerty and Aaron Doyle offer tips on making postgraduate study even tougher (which students could also use…
Basics Human Learning Styles Eastern Institute of Technology Jul 5, 2016 Everyone is unique, as people and as learners.If you can identify your instinctive approach to learning, you…
Basics Evaluating Information – Applying the “Craap” Test Edited by Thesishub Jun 30, 2016 When you search for information, you're going to find lots of it . . . but is it good information? You will have to…
Introduction Introductions: first to be drafted, last to be finalised Dr. Ron Adams Jun 23, 2016 In terms of writing, Introductions are often the first to be drafted, and last to be finalised. we’re usually still…
Literature Review Clues for Evaluating Research Studies Browne Stuart Jun 22, 2016 Introduction One form of authority that relies a great deal on observation and often carries special weight is the…