Conclusions The Final Chapter David Silverman Oct 7, 2016 The final chapter should balance the errors confessed and achievements proclaimed, as much as reconnecting the data…
Abstract Ten Steps to Writing an Effective Abstract San Francisco Edit Oct 7, 2016 An abstract is a condensed version of the manuscript, which highlights the major points covered, concisely…
Writing Tips Eight Steps to Developing an Effective Outline San Francisco Edit Sep 18, 2016 The purpose of an outline is to divide the writing of the entire paper into a number of smaller tasks. A good…
3. Writing & Editing Developing an Effective Title San Francisco Edit Sep 17, 2016 The title should include all essential words in the right order so the topic of the manuscript is accurately and…
Writing Tips Anticipating Obstacles in Journal and Thesis Writing Wendy Belcher Aug 24, 2016 The best laid plans often go awry. The key to following through on the plan you just made is to anticipate the…
Writing Tips Becoming a more productive writer Helen Sword Aug 22, 2016 The most successful academics are those who write and publish prolifically. Few, however, find the writing process…
Literature Review Review of ‘the Literature’ or Literatures? Dr. Ron Adams Jul 9, 2016 Keep in mind that the aim of it all is to have a thesis: a position or argument you wish to establish—a major claim…
Introduction Introductions: first to be drafted, last to be finalised Dr. Ron Adams Jun 23, 2016 In terms of writing, Introductions are often the first to be drafted, and last to be finalised. we’re usually still…
Literature Review Clues for Evaluating Research Studies Browne Stuart Jun 22, 2016 Introduction One form of authority that relies a great deal on observation and often carries special weight is the…
Writing Tips Reviewing Your Final Draft Dr. Ron Adams May 28, 2016 Before submitting your thesis for examination, you and your supervisors might want to review your final draft…