5. General Would You Like to Write for Thesis Hub? Zaid A. Alsmadi May 28, 2016 An Invitation to Write for thesishub.org Blog If you’re interested in helping current and aspiring postgraduates…
PhD & Masters How not to Get a PhD: By Overestimating What is Required. Prof. Phillips May 28, 2016 The words used to describe the outcome of a PhD project – ‘an original contribution to knowledge’ – may sound…
Thesis Sequence of Thesis Parts and Their Formatting Edited by Thesishub May 28, 2016 Front Materials ChaptersAppendices…
Basics Note-taking Eastern Institute of Technology May 28, 2016 Why take notes? Note-taking is part of the learning process and a skill all students need to master to have a…
Research Management Time Management for Researchers Eastern Institute of Technology May 28, 2016 This guide;explains the importance of good time management while studying; describes why and how to plan;…
Thesis Writting 10 Steps to Writing a Thesis (Phd ) in 6 Months Megan Mackenzie May 28, 2016 Most academics will admit to themselves and students that the majority of dissertations and books are written in…
5. General What is Scoop.it? Edited by Thesishub May 28, 2016 In order to be efficient with your content curation and sharing, you need a great content curation tool that’s…
Basics A Guide to Critical Thinking Browne Stuart May 28, 2016 WHAT ARE THE ISSUE AND THE CONCLUSION? Before we evaluate someone's reasoning, we must first find it. Doing so…
Defence & Viva PhD vivas are unfair and I am paying the price unknown author May 28, 2016 ... I sent my thesis for examination with the approval of my supervisors, both of whom are professors in their…
Innovations & Tech Where Good Ideas Come From ! 2/2 Steven Johnson May 28, 2016 ... The scientist Stuart Kauffman has a suggestive name for the set of all those first-order combinations: “the…